
Wednesday, March 2, 2011


In January, Mallory went to be with Jesus. Some of her teachers from Kennesaw Mountain are putting together a memory book in her honor. Stories have been submitted by friends, teachers, family members and even strangers. This is my story for Mallory...

Won't you take this cup from me
Cause fear has stolen all my sleep
If tomorrow means my death
I pray you'll save their souls with it

I can still remember the first time I met Mallory... Jr. Mustangs Competition Cheerleading. It was my freshman year of high school; Mallory was still in middle school. What was most definitely an interesting experience introduced me to Mallory Smith. Little did either of us know that Mustang Cheerleading would be something that would bring us back together. 

Let the songs I sing
Bring joy to you
Let the words I say profess my love
Let the notes I choose
Be your favorite tune
Father let my heart be after you

Senior Year. Cheerleading and the girl with the crazy socks. 
I vividly remember cheerleading try-outs my senior year and this freshman with some crazy socks. That freshman girl was Mallory Smith. God definitely has a way of bringing people in to our life for a reason. When I look back on how I met Mallory (twice), it is so clear to me that she was in my life for a reason. It wouldn't be until years later that I would truly understand why.

Senior year was full of so many memories... most of which revolved around cheerleading and many of those memories included Mallory. She was entertaining, engaging, and always had a swirl of excitement around her. It was so clear, after many hours on the football sidelines and competition floor, that Mallory's spirit was infectious to those around her. Her smile, laugh, and goofiness brought together a team of extremely different teenage girls. From a Mustang with a tie, a tradition of cutting her nails, and a new pair of crazy socks for every practice, joy radiated from Mallory.

Our cheerleading season quickly wrapped up and graduation was right around the corner. Good-byes were exchanged and life began. I didn't realize it then, but Mallory had taken a permanent spot in my heart. I remember first hearing about Mallory being sick. I couldn't believe that something like this was happening to a girl like Mallory. At a time in her life where she should not have a care in the world, she was given a true test of her faith. One that she passed with flying colors. 

In this hour of doubt I see
But who I am is not just me
So give me strength to die myself
So love can live to tell the tale

It is amazing to me how much Mallory overcame in her life. She defied the odds and continued to live her life despite having to fight for it. When I found out Mallory was in the hospital again, my heart broke... for her... and her family. The few hours I got to spend with them at Emory opened my eyes to the love this family has for one another and the faith they have in the Lord. In the time Mallory was in the hospital, TeamMal grew and grew. From our church community at NorthStar, KMHS alumni, to family, friends, and complete strangers, Mallory's life was reaching so many and telling the most amazing story. 

Let the songs I sing
Bring joy to you
Let the words I say profess my love
Let the notes I choose
Be your favorite tune
Father let my heart be after you

Mallory's life brought joy to everyone around her... and most importantly brought joy to Jesus and in so many ways professed her love for Him. Despite being challenged and tested, Mallory's faith never wavered.

Father let my heart be... For you

 Let the songs I sing

Bring joy to you
Let the words I say profess my love
Let the notes I choose
Be your favorite tune
Father let my heart be after you

Mallory has touched my life in ways that words can not describe. My faith has been strengthened and my outlook altered. From Mallory's life I have learned that no matter what God gives us, no matter how hard or difficult we many think the challenge is, if we put our whole faith in Him, there is nothing we can't overcome. Mallory came in to my life as the girl in the crazy socks... she will always be that person but now she is someone who has truly changed my life. 

Love you Mallory!! 

("Garden" by NeedtoBreathe)

1 comment:

  1. Love this, friend. I got chills reading the lyrics!


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