
Monday, October 1, 2012

DIY Burp Cloths.

A few weeks ago, we got together with some of our college friends to celebrate the Edmonds and the Stantons and their soon-to-be little ones... Emily and Larson. The shower was a too cute BBQ with precious little touches, yummy caramel popcorn, a fun "Guess that Baby" game and of course, all things baby. This shower gave me a crafting-itch that resulted in a sewing machine purchase and the thought that I could make custom burp cloths. I have seen them in all of the cutesy gift stores and after further inspection, gained some crazy confidence that I could do that too. So I gathered up the fabrics - in fun prints that complimented Ashley and Liz's nursery decor - and began to tackle this little project. Through trial and error, a few do-overs and a constant Q&A with my mom, Ashley and Liz ended up with a cute way... or at least I think so :) ... to wipe up some of that baby spit-up.

1 comment:

  1. The burp cloths turned out great!! They are super cute and were such a wonderful gift idea. You are very talented Lindsay! And yes, having cute burp cloths will somehow make the messy baby spit-up somewhat easier to deal with :)


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