Do you know who the 19th president was? Or how about why Georgia Washington never had a toothache? What about which president got stuck in the presidential bathtub? Not only can Eli answer these questions, he can also recite every president of the United States, their vice presidents, the names of their respective wives and where they are from. While most 4 year olds are watching Toy Story or playing video games, Eli wants to go to The Booth Museum to visit his favorite people. He would rather watch presidential biographies on the History Channel than watch "kid cartoons." Eli's love for presidents began at age 2 when he first memorized the 44 men that have lead our country. Since then, his passion for our presidents has continued to grow. His love for these men reminds us of the mark they have left in the history of our nation and in the heart of one 4 year old boy.
What started as a newspaper article in a local newspaper quickly turned in to a feature on local news stations. And now Eli has made his way to California to make his debut on The Ellen Degeneres show!! Not only is Eli excited about sharing his knowledge of the presidents, but Ellen will also be playing the "down the hole" game... one of his favorites. Don't worry, before he left, I asked Eli if he would still be my friend now that he is all famous... he said he guessed he could. :)
Watch out Ellen, you might have just met one of your new favorite kids!!
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