
Sunday, February 13, 2011

DIY Window Frame

In college, one of my roommates and I headed to a local antique store in Athens with the mission of finding old windows to hang in our house. That window has since moved with me to three different rooms. It's simple, easy, and my favorite part... cheap. Over the last couple of weeks, I have been working on a window for a family friend. This weekend, it finally made its way into Tessa's bedroom. 

To begin this project, I headed to my favorite antique store in Marietta,
Classy Flea. I love finding windows with handles... $5 later and I was set to go.

For this frame, I used eight 5x7 pictures, one in each section. In the frame
I have in my room, I used 4x6 pictures, placing 2 in each section. It really just
depends on how many pictures you want to use. The pictures were secured with scrap booking
photo corners (about $3 per box from Jo-Ann's).

Pictures in place... check. Now on to the hardware portion
of this project. 

Before hanging the frame, you will first need to attach hooks to the back
of the window (see left package). I used the ones in the top right corner - they are
very easy to attach... all you need is a screwdriver. To hang the frame, find hooks that
will support the weight of your frame (see right package). Both hanging packages came
from Jo-Ann's... about $12 for both.

For this frame, I found burlap-esque ribbon ($6 for 2 spools) and used a staple gun to attach
strips - one on each side - to the window frame 

I always leave extra ribbon and cut after the frame has been hung.
Depending on the height of the ceiling and how much you want hanging down,
it makes it a lot easier to snip after the frame is on the wall. 

Ta-daaaaa! All finished! Tessa has already taken notice to the new
pictures in her room. Throughout the hanging process, she was pointing
and calling out her mom, dad, and brother.

Total cost for the project = about $30

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